
Tampereen ja Helsingin yliopistojen tutkimus osoittaa, että uudella kolmiportaisella eturauhassyövän seulontamenetelmällä voidaan löytää huomattava määrä hoitoa vaativia syöpiä. Väestön seulontaohjelmia ei ole aloitettu Suomessa. Tutkijoiden mukaan syöpäseulontapäätösten pääkriteerinä tulisi olla syöpäkuolleisuuden väheneminen seulontojen avulla. Tampereen ja Helsingin yliopistojen johdolla tehtävä ProScreen-tutkimus selvitti kolmiportaisen syöpäseulonnan toimivuutta. Tavoitteena...

Can you introduce yourself and share your PhD research topic?  My name is Abderrahim Oussama Batouche, I have a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Information technology, and a Master’s degree in Data Science majoring in Bioinformatics.  I am currently a PhD student at the University of Helsinki,...

Miia Kokkola and Suvi Karvonen work as biomedical laboratory scientists in Helsinki Urological Cancer Center As biomedical laboratory scientists, Miia Kokkola and Suvi Karvonen's job involves processing samples from research participants, generating laboratory requests, providing customer service, and participating in the development of research operations. – I...

Can you introduce yourself and share your PhD research topic? My name is Timo-Pekka Lehto. I graduated as a medical doctor in January of 2022. I started my PhD studies in the turn of 2018 and 2019. The PhD project is about molecular biomarkers in prostate...

Minna Malmstedt has been working at the Helsinki Urological Cancer Center as a research coordinator for over 4 years. When Malmstedt started working at HUCC, she hoped for a varied role. Her wishes were taken into account, and her role was built to suit her...